Timely, High Quality Reports & Consulting
As experienced appraisers and consultants, we at Phung Horwood provide a comprehensive range of services tailored to meet your specific needs; including reliable and thorough market value appraisals and consulting services for a number of different types of properties.
Insurance appraisals estimate the current replacement cost of a property to assist in securing the appropriate amount of insurance. Phung Horwood ensures an accurate valuation of improvements to protect clients from over or under insured assets.
A Depreciation Report (Reserve Fund Study) is a financial planning process that is intended to analyze, assess and plan the funding for Contingency Reserves. The purpose of this analysis is to identify the funding requirements to ensure that funds are available for future repairs and replacement of the common building elements or assets of a Strata Corporation.

We are Victoria-based independent Real Estate Appraisers and Consultants serving the Greater Victoria Region and other areas of Lower Vancouver Island & the Southern Gulf Islands.
Why Should You Choose PhungHorwood?
We are Local
Our designated appraisers (AACI, P.App) are local, allowing us to understand and continually monitor the pulse of the Greater Victoria real estate market. This intuitive knowledge along with our memberships, relationships and contacts within related industries enables us to work with current and accurate information and data.
We are Experienced
We are fully qualified and ready to provide timely and detailed Market Value (IC&I) Appraisals, Insurance Appraisals and Depreciation Reports (Reserve Fund Studies). Together we have over 50 years of collective experience in the areas of commercial and residential real estate valuation, financial projections and development analysis.
We Value Our Clients
PhungHorwood has built its reputation on integrity with a strong focus on client relations. We value these relationships and our continued goal is to build on our successes without losing sight of these core values. We are committed to providing quality work, while being accessible to the Client before, during and after the assignment.